Cashing in the V-Card with Abby May

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by Wabbit98, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. I was a 32 year old virgin, part nerd/geek, reads comics and science fiction books. With the help of the lovely Abby May the virginity got taken care of. :D

    Even though I have read many reports on these forums and read the profiles of many of the ladies I was a nervous wreck.

    When I arrived at the Ranch I initially sat in my car for five minutes trying to calm down my nerves. But after a couple of deep breaths I got out of the car and buzzed my way into the Ranch. Seeing there the person I would be spending part of the day waiting for me was Abby May. We talked a bit, got a drink at the bar. Abby is that girl next door, the one you see around town, the one you see at anime, science fiction and other geek type conventions. The type of girl I am eager to know.

    Seeing that I was nervous, I had to hold my drink with both hands to make sure it did not shake to much, she took me on a tour of the Ranch and then back to her room. Which has a giant mirror on the wall. After sitting on her bed, and just chatting she decided that the Bungalow by the pool would be the best. Since it does not have a mirror (I have body image issues).

    Since I have never done this before I let Abby take control. I will not go into to graphic details. But suffice to say she took her time, she let me get comfortable before doing anything. And I am glad she brought extra water, what did I know it would get a bit sweaty. Initially we just touched each other on the skin, and then it went from there. She explained how things worked (such as toys, and thankfully we did not bring what I called the "Crab Claw" though not sure what it is really called). Thankfully for my nerves it was not sex right away, but a build up. After the deed was done we took a shower and she let me explore a bit further. Again answering the questions I had to help.

    After the events of the day passed, I was no longer a virgin. After I have some money saved up I want to part with Abby again.

    Just want to add that I was introduce to Dennis Hof who was enjoying himself in the sun in the pool right outside the bungalow along with his dogs and a couple of guests including Robert from Hell's Kitchen.
  2. congrats to both you and abby. I love her and glad she took great care of you. She is truly a southern belle
  3. Nice reivew!! Wish Abby May would post some photos though...

    Photos = advertisement...more photos mean more business!!

    Many bunnies do not realize that if they do not advertise, they get little to no business...Madame Suzette had taught me need to advertise in order to be successful (this is true whether you are business operator or bunny)! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  4. Thank you every one. It was a great party and i look forward to our next party : )

    I have lots of photos up and a photo thread on the message board. You ca also fallow me on twitter were i post photos daily @ abbymay8
  5. i love this review and hope you will come back and see me again
  6. willowlove
    Chat with Me

    willowlove Well-Known Member

  7. HollyWood
    Chat with Me

    HollyWood I'll go the distance to make a difference...

    Great review!!
  8. MollyMadison
    Chat with Me

    MollyMadison Well-Known Member

    Abby is a lovely girl. I'm happy you enjoyed yourself! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  9. thank you Molly
  10. Thank you for my great review i love it

  11. jennyjade
    Chat with Me

    jennyjade Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great time
  12. That is the coolest!!!!

    Glad she was amazing for your first time!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] :mrgreen:

    -Riley Zane
  13. I really don't know where to begin, but this was my first visit to the Bunny Ranch, and I was a little nervous. I went to the gate, rang the bell, was let inside, and saw Abby, who calmed my nerves by giving me a tour of the grounds. She took me back to her room to negotiate, and the negotiations were painless. After going to the desk to sign some papers, Abby took me to her room and that's when the action started. She walked me to the pool, and that calmed me down. I won't go into details here, but I'll tell you that Abby was amazing in the sack! Let me just say that after it was all said and done, I was no longer a virgin (About time at the ripe old age of 46), and left the ranch a very happy man.
    I'll finish by saying this: I will definitely pay a return visit to the ranch sometime in the future! [smilie=happy.gif] :shock: [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

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