Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by firstflight800, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. [smilie=hot over you.gif] [smilie=i love you1.gif] [smilie=hot over you.gif] What can I say? My overnight sensation with Amy Page was such a lovely experience that I simply had to party with her again. One thing I'm so thankful for. I've know Amy for awhile now, so am familiar with what to expect during negotiatons. TIP - This makes negotiations so easy and quick to agree on, giving us a chance to concentrate on other things unrelated to negotiating. :twisted: Being with Amy is simply a "sky is the limit" opportunity. It's always different than the time before. The ENDING is the only thing that doesn't change. And after that ENDING, the party is not over. For those that smoke, be forewarned. That "after sex" cigarette is NOT as appealing as cuddling with Amy Page. It is not easy to convey how Amy makes a man feel, but the words that come close to me are INFATUATION and GRATIFICATION.

    She is a multi-faceted young lady. There is so much more that we can explore together. Being generous with her time is just a normal thing for her, and I so love that about her. She always satisfies, yet always leaves me wanting MORE.

    [smilie=be mine!.gif]
    These flowers are for YOU
  2. CJX
    Chat with Me

    CJX New Member

    mmmm So glad u enjoyed yourself in everyway
    Its good to appreciate a good thing when u have experienced the best
  3. Always a great feeling to want more after being greatly satisfied!!! ;) Glad you two had many great parties, cheers for more to come!!! xoxox
  4. I know Amy and she is great. She keeps those overnights coming back for more. She is magical.
  5. Thank you guys!!! It was a blast!!!! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  6. Great review of a sexy girl! xoxox

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