Lily Poole’s A-Z Favorite Characters [emoji317][emoji451]‍♀️‍♀️

Discussion in 'Games' started by Lily Poole, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Izumi Curtis
    Fullmetal Alchemist
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  2. James Bond

  3. Karen Wheeler
    Mother of Nancy and Mike on Stranger Things
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  4. Luka Urushibara - a worker at a local shrine, Luka is unknowingly in possession of the key to unlock the mysteries of time travel in the thrilling Stein's;Gate

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  5. Master Mold is comic book character appearing in the X-Men comics and animated series. It is an enormous robot designed to create Sentinels to hunt mutants.

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  6. Night Rider (played by Vincent Gil) is an escaped prisoner who kills a rookie Main Force Patrol officer and steals a cop car at the beginning of Mad Max.

    "I am the Night Rider. I'm a fuel injected suicide machine. I am a rocker, I am a roller, I am an out-of-controller!" ~ Night Rider

    Night Rider.jpg
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  7. Ollie Williams
    "Family Guy"
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  8. Otto Octavius - working alongside his protege Peter Parker, Dr. Octavius makes a huge breakthrough in medical science, creating incredibly articulate limbs controlled by the wearers thoughts. But his invention is rushed and turns him into a homicidal villain bent on destruction in the reimagined universe of Spider-Man on the Playstation 4.

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  9. Pam Landy, from The Bourne Ultimatum

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  10. Quintis (played by Tomas Arana) is a high-ranking officer in the legion commanded by Maximus Meridius, and later commander of the Praetorian Guard, in Gladiator.

    "People should know when they're conquered." ~ Quintis

    "Would you, Quintus? Would I?" ~ Maximus

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  11. Ragnar Lothbrok
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  12. Soap Mactavish - first the non-voiced player controlled character in the first person shooter Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Soap then returns in a plot centric role in Modern Warfare 2 and 3, heading a task force to bring the terrorist Vladimir Makarov to justice.

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  13. Toby Flenderson
    The Office
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  14. Underdog

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  15. Vera
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  16. Winston Zeddemore (played by Ernie Hudson) is the extra help hired by the titular characters when their business starts to take off in Ghostbusters.

    "I'm Winston Zeddemore, Your Honor. I've only been with the company for a couple of weeks, but these things are real. Since I joined these men, I've seen shit that'll turn you white!" ~ Winston Zeddemore

    Winston Zeddemore.jpg
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  17. Xianghua from Soul Calibur

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  18. Yancy Derringer
    "Yancy Derringer"... Western series that was broadcast on CBS from 1958 to 1959, with Jock Mahoney
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  19. Zoe Carter, from the show Eureka.

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  20. Alpha Trion - once a great warrior, Alpha Trion now serves as a councilman governing the Autobot military in The Transformers

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  21. Bortus-Lieutenant Commander Bortus, the second officer aboard the U.S.S. Orville.

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  22. Clark Griswold
    National Lampoon’s Vacation film series
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  23. Darius Stone, the second xXx

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  24. Egon Spengler

    One of my favorite scenes....
    "Tell him about the Twinkie."

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  25. Ford Prefect
    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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  26. Goro- this monstrous half human- half dragon served as the right hand of sorcerer Shang Tsung, racking up countless victories in the life or death tournaments of Mortal Kombat

  27. Harry Potter

  28. Ike Broflovski
    Kyle's little brother on South Park
  29. Jeff Spicoli , Fast Times at Ridgemont High

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  30. Kingsley Zissou from The Life Aquatic

  31. Lucas Sinclair
    Stranger Things
  32. Matt Houston, a character from a tv show in the early 80s of the same name. Played by actor Lee Horsely.

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  33. Nardole
    Doctor Who ..a companion of the Twelfth Doctor
  34. Oscar The Grouch

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  35. Penny Hofstadter
    The Big Bang Theory