Lily Poole’s A-Z Favorite Characters [emoji317][emoji451]‍♀️‍♀️

Discussion in 'Games' started by Lily Poole, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. Thanks! I'm planning on scoring a photo and autograph from Bruce Campbell at Texas Frightmare in May. Fingers crossed!
  2. That would be Sweeeet! Good Luck and I hope it works out!!! :)
  3. Beavis...... From Beavis & Butthead..........
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  4. Catwoman (I'm thinking of you,Anne Hathaway! ;) )
  5. Davros. A member of the scientific elite on a planet called Skaro, and creator of the Daleks.

    "If someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you and told you that that child would grow up totally evil, to be a ruthless dictator that destroyed millions of lives, could you then kill that child?" ~ The Fourth Doctor on Killing Davros

    Scottie March Hare likes this.
  6. Erin Hannon
    The Office
  7. Frank Moran. A hardworking, sometimes depressed, homicide detective trying to solve a decapitation murder that occurred under Madison Square Garden in my second-favorite move of all time, Highlander.

    "Wanna hear another theory?" ~ Connor MacLeod

    "Uh-huh" ~ Lt. Frank Moran

    "This Fasil was so upset about the lousy wrestling tonight, that he went down to the garage and in a fit of depression cut off his own head!" ~ Connor MacLeod

    Frank Moran.jpg
  8. Gambit - X-Men I loved this show, and think it may be the best comic adaptation other than Batman: The Animated Series


  9. Hedwig
    Harry Potter films
    Hedwig_Snowy_Owl_PM (1).png
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  10. Isildur, son of Elendil, refugee, father of four, war hero, and arguably a failure in The Lord of the Rings.

    "This I will have as weregild for my father's death, and my brother's. Was it not I that dealt the Enemy his death-blow?" ~ Isildur on The One Ring

  11. Janice Soprano overbearing, scheming sister of Tony, so good at making me angry. Portrayed by Aida Turturro The Sopranos

  12. Krusty the Clown (a.k.a. Krusty the Klown; a.k.a. Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofsky). A television personality, gambler, drinker, womanizer, and friend to a ten-year-old boy on The Simpsons.

    "I'm taking you kids to the happiest place on Earth: Tijuana!" ~ Krusty

  13. Linda Belcher - Bob's Burgers zany chef/mom/jill-of-all-trades

  14. Malory Archer. Spy mistress, businesswoman, dog lover, murderess, and mother on Archer.

    "Yes, and everyone deserves a trophy just for showing up, and everyone’s Kickstarter has merit. Ugh.” ~ Malory Archer

    Malorie Archer.jpg
  15. Nelson Muntz - The Simpsons simple, yet sophisticated bully of Bart - "you made me bleed my own blood"

  16. Oberyn Martell- Also known as the Red Viper from game of thrones younger brother of Doran Martell, Prince of Drorne. killed by the Mountain
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  17. Perseus (as played by Harry Hamlin). Son of Zeus, slayer of Medusa and the Kraken in Clash of the Titans (1981, the good one).

    "Perseus and Andromeda will be happy together. Have fine sons... rule wisely... And to perpetuate the story of his courage, I command that from henceforth, he will be set among the stars and constellations. He, Perseus, the lovely Andromeda, the noble Pegasus, and even the vain Cassiopeia. Let the stars be named after them forever. As long as man shall walk the Earth and search the night sky in wonder, they will remember the courage of Perseus forever. Even if we, the gods, are abandoned or forgotten, the stars will never fade. Never. They will burn till the end of the time." ~ Zeus

    Harry Hamlin Perseus.jpg
  18. Natasha Star
    Chat with Me

    Natasha Star Starlet of the Year! I put passion in compassion


  19. Robert the Bruce
  20. Severus Snape
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  21. Ted Logan
    Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
  22. Usul (a.k.a. Paul Muad'Dib; a.k.a. Paul Atreides). A messianic leader, father, fighter, duke, and eventually an emperor in Dune.

    "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will let it pass over me and through me. And when it has passed I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where it has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain." ~ Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear as spoken by Paul Atreides during his Gom Jabbar Test.

    Scottie March Hare likes this.
  23. Victor Frankenstein
    Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
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  24. Widow of the Web (shown below in both her young and old forms). An all-knowing, child-killing, woman who finds redemption by helping a young man save a girl with whom she shared a name, in Krull.

    "These are the sands of my life. Accept them and the spider will have no power to harm you. But your own life runs out with the sand." ~ Widow of the Web

    "But what about your life?" ~ Ynyr

    "I give it to the girl who bears my name!" ~ Widow of the Web

    Widow of the Web (old).jpg Widow of the Web (young).jpg
  25. X
    Dark Horse Comics Charater

  26. Ynyr (a.k.a. The Old One), played by Freddie Jones. Mentor to Prince Colwyn in Krull.

    "Death and power are close cousins" ~ Ynyr

    "I don't think I like your relatives, old man." ~ Torquil

    Ynyr Krull.jpg
  27. Natasha Star
    Chat with Me

    Natasha Star Starlet of the Year! I put passion in compassion


  28. Andrew Aguecheek
    Comic character in William Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night
  29. Bane - criminal mastermind who broke the Bat in Batman

  30. EB750340-5667-4C1C-B9FF-5FACB7567CA6.jpeg Clown from Spawn. Also known as Violator.
  31. Dirk Diggler - Boogie Nights - Marky Mark's breakthrough performance

  32. Ellie Sawyer (below, left). A girl who didn't want to be voted Senior Class Spinster, and ended up helping open a rift in time and space in My Science Project.

    Ellie Sawyer.jpg
  33. Frank Costanza- Jerry Stiller keeps me in stiches in his portrayal of this madman on Seinfeld

  34. Serenity now, insanity later. :p
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  35. God, as played here by George Burns in Oh God, You Devil!, the third film in the Oh God! trilogy. In this movie, Burns plays both God and the devil, as they intervene in the life of an aspiring musician.

    "You made a deal with the Devil. How dumb could you be?" ~ God

    "I didn't know it was the Devil." ~ Bobby Shelton

    "You're not talking to your sixth-grade teacher, you know." ~ God

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